Writing & Research

Select articles and publications on all things dog, with a side of cat.


What’s the Point? The Bark, 86, 2016. Dogs follow our gestures. What does it mean?

Is the Gaze from Those Big Puppy Eyes the Look of Your Doggie’s Love? Scientific American, 2015. Sustained eye contact between a dog and owner causes oxytocin to spike in both—but not so in wolves. What does it mean?

The World According to Dogs Scientific American The Science of Dogs and Cat, September 2015, Volume 24.

Think Your Dog Has A “Guilty” Look? Think Again The Dodo, 2014. Summary of research-to-date on the infamous look.

Remembering Dr. Sophia Yin The Bark, 80, 2014. In September 28, 2014, the world lost a leading advocate for the humane treatment of animals. We remember her and continue her work.

Great Thinkers on Dogs The Bark, 76, 2013. Six leading canine researchers talk about their work and views of dogs.

Dog’s Personalities The Bark, 74, 2013. Studies suggest that personality in non-human animals can be measured and evaluated, just as in humans.

Dog Speak: The Sounds of Dogs The Bark, 73, 2013. More than just noise.

Say What? Do Dogs Understand Our Words? The Bark, 72, 2012. What do you think?

Skin Deep The Bark, 71, 2012. Looks aren’t everything, but they do play a role in communication.

H*MPING Why Do They Do It? The Bark, 70, 2012. I think you know what this article’s about. What you might not know is that Jon Stewart mentioned it on his show! Now you know!

Dog Smart: Exploring the Canine Mind The Bark, 69, 2012. I’d recently finished my Masters research with the Family Dog Project and was interested in the current status of canine science research—where it had been and where it was going.

Dog Daycare The Bark, 68, 2012. Daycare is more than fun and games.

Popular Scientific American Posts

Dog Science is Timeless September 2019

Small Dogs Aim High When They Pee August 2018

New Research Questions ‘Pawedness’ in Dogs March 2018

The Hidden Dogs of Dog Cloning March 2018

Okay, So Some Dogs Eat Poop January 2018

What Do Dogs See in Mirrors? August 2017

Do Dogs Know Themselves? August 2017

Memory Wins When Dogs Sleep February 2017

About That Premature Graying… November 2016

Dogs Process Language Like Us, but What Do They Understand? August 2016

The Common Wisdom about Dog Nipples Is Wrong August 2016

How to Use a Spray Bottle with Your Dog or Cat [Video] July 2016

Tail Docking and Ear Cropping Affect Dogs, and Not Just Physically July 2016

Do Dogs Know Other Dogs Are Dogs? December 2015

Where to Fall on the Cats vs. Cucumbers Debate November 2015

Why the World’s Longest Treadmill Was Created for Wolves October 2015

Dogs Look to People to Figure Out How to Respond to the Crazy Green Monster July 2015

This Dog Bite “Fact” Could Get You In Trouble May 2015

The Guilty Looking Companion April 2015

Why Some Dogs Hate Snow February 2015

Why Do Dogs Love Snow? January 2015

Why Do Dogs Roll Over During Play? January 2015

It’s Not You It’s Me: If a Dog Won’t Play With You, It Could Be Your Fault December 2014

Do Dogs Respond to Videotaped Commands? September 2014

The Dog Killer in Your Pocket August 2014

Fear and Anxiety May Shorten Dog Lifespan July 2014

Only You Can Prevent Sniffing of Guide Dog Butts April 2014

Dog Destroys Humanity in World War Z March 2014

Dog Farts Part 2: How to Make Dog Farts Less Stinky December 2013

Dog Farts Part 1: What Are Dog Farts Made Of? December 2013

Canine Urination 101: Handstands and leg lifts are just the basics October 2013

Dogs in Pantyhose April 2013

Scientific Publications

Delgado, M., & Hecht, J. (2019). A review of the development and functions of cat play, with future research considerations. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 214, 1-17.

Horowitz, A., & Hecht, J. (2016). Examining dog–human play: The characteristics, affect, and vocalizations of a unique interspecific interaction. Animal Cognition, 19, 779–788.

Hecht, J., & Horowitz, A. (2015). Introduction to Dog Behavior. In E. Weiss, H. Mohan-Gibbons, & S. Zawitowski (Eds.), Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff (pp. 5–30). Wiley.

Hecht, J., & Spicer Rice, E. (2015). Citizen science: a new direction in canine behavior research. Behavioural Processes, 110, 125–32.

Hecht, J., & Horowitz, A. (2015). Seeing dogs: Human preference for dog physical attributes. Anthrozoös, 28, 153–163.

Horowitz, A., & Hecht, J. (2014). Looking at Dogs: Moving from Anthropocentrism to Canid Umwelt. In A. Horowitz (Ed.), Domestic Dog Cognition and Behavior: The Scientific Study of Canis familiaris (pp. 201–219). Springer.

Cooper, C. B., & Hecht, J. (2014). Tribute to Tinbergen: Public engagement in ethology. Ethology, 120, 207–214.

Horowitz, A., Hecht, J., & Dedrick, A. (2013). Smelling more or less: Investigating the olfactory experience of the domestic dog. Learning & Motivation, 44, 207–217.

Hecht, J., Miklósi, Á., & Gácsi, M. (2012). Behavioral assessment and owner perceptions of behaviors associated with guilt in dogs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 139, 134–142.